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La Rosa’s Trains Advent Calendar 2022 - Electro-Motive Diesel Edition

Good evening everyone,

It's the last day of November and I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving last week! I have some exciting news for the holiday season. In 2019, I created the La Rosa's Trains Advent Calendar on Facebook where I shared a photo of a train each day starting on the first day of December and ending on Christmas Eve. This year, there will be the Electro-Motive Diesel edition of the 24-day Advent Calendar in honor of EMD's 100th anniversary. All photos will feature locomotives built by that company and will be shared on both Facebook and the La Rosa's Trains website. These will also include some locomotives not mentioned in my Century of Electro-Motive video that I uploaded earlier this year. Sounds fun, isn't it? See you tomorrow!

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