MTH Electric Trains (originally named Mike's Train House) is one of my favorite hobby companies that offer model and toy trains. I became an enthusiastic fan of MTH! My first layout started with an O gauge ready-to-run set, which I received for Christmas in 2010. Later, I built a bigger layout by adding a larger loop of track that goes all around the table. MTH has offered O gauge toy trains that are low in cost as well as very realistic O scale model trains. RailKing is a product line that offers less expensive traditional O gauge items, which are what I prefer. The Premier line represents O scale products that a serious model railroader would want. I do have a couple of Premier engines in my fleet but today, I collect exclusively RailKing. In 2002, MTH introduced a computerized system called Digital Command System (DCS), a very simple way to operate your trains with a wireless remote. Since 1980, MTH has made one of the best selections of electric trains with amazing sounds and authentic details.
If you see "Go to link" in most of my photos, click that to watch a video of my trains in action.
MTH Electric Trains

RailKing O Gauge Pennsylvania 4-6-0 Steam Engine w/ Proto-Sound 2.0 This is my first MTH engine. It comes from a 2010 Ready-To-Run Pennsylvania Freight Set, which I received for Christmas in 2010. Nice set! Click "Go to link" to watch this engine in action.

Premier O Scale CSX C30-7 Diesel Engine This engine was actually upgraded with Proto-Sound 2.0 because it was originally equipped with the older Proto-Sound (PS1) system. I was still expecting to get a RailKing diesel for my 16th birthday, but the Premier C30-7 runs great and sounds great. Made in 1994. Added to my collection in August 2012. Click "Go to link" to watch this engine in action.

RailKing O Gauge Norfolk Southern SD70ACe Imperial Diesel Engine w/ Proto-Sound 3.0 This is not only my first RailKing diesel but also my first MTH engine equipped with the new Proto-Sound 3.0 system, which performs the same as the older Proto-Sound 2.0 electronics. Glad to have some of the Norfolk Southern Heritage Series! Really beautiful paint scheme! The NS SD70 was ordered from a train store in Ohio. Offered in the 2012 Volume 2 Catalog. Added to my fleet for Christmas in December 2013.

RailKing O Gauge G.E. Evolution ES44AC Imperial Diesel Engine w/ Proto-Sound 3.0 MTH did a splendid job offering the RailKing version of the ES44. I became a bigger fan of the GEVO's that I decided to collect this engine: the G.E. Evolution Hybrid! Love these green battery-charging lights! Offered in MTH's 2013 Volume 2 Catalog. Added to my collection for my 18th Birthday in August 2014. Click "Go to link" to watch this engine in action.

RailKing O Gauge Amtrak (#156) Genesis Diesel Engine w/ Proto-Sound 3.0 This is my first pre-ordered MTH locomotive in my collection. Those passenger station sound effects are awesome! Pre-ordered from MTH's 2014 Volume 1 Catalog. Added to my collection in February 2015. Click "Go to link" to watch this engine in action.

RailKing O Gauge Canadian National ES44AC Imperial Diesel Engine w/ Proto-Sound 3.0 Another great ES44 to my fleet! I love the paint scheme because Canada is a country that speaks English and French. I used to study French for two years when I was a junior and senior in high school. Offered in MTH's 2015 Volume 2 Catalog. Added to my collection for Christmas in December 2015. Click "Go to link" to watch this engine in action.

RailKing O Gauge Baltimore & Ohio Doodlebug with Proto-Sound (PS1) I wanted to collect at least one MTH locomotive with the original Proto-Sound system to enjoy and appreciate its sound effects that are significantly different from those on Proto-Sound 2.0 and 3.0 engines. Whether you like it or not, I believe PS1 will always be remembered. My first MTH conventional locomotive. Offered in the 1998 Volume 2 catalog. Found it on eBay. Added to my collection for my 26th birthday in August 2022.

RailKing O Gauge Conrail SD90MAC Diesel with Proto-Sound (PS1)
Rolling Stock

RailKing O Gauge Pennsylvania Chrome Tank Car This car is included in the Ready-To-Run Pennsylvania 4-6-0 Freight Set that was offered in MTH's 2010 Ready-To-Run catalog. Nice set!

RailKing O Gauge Pennsylvania Gondola Car w/ 2 Crates This car is included in the Ready-To-Run Pennsylvania 4-6-0 Freight Set that was offered in MTH's 2010 Ready-To-Run catalog. Nice set!

RailKing O Gauge Pennsylvania N5c Caboose This car is included in the Ready-To-Run Pennsylvania 4-6-0 Freight Set that was offered in MTH's 2010 Ready-To-Run catalog. Nice set!

RailKing O Gauge MTHRRC 1999 Operating Crane Car This is my first MTH Railroaders Club (MTHRRC) car, which I received for Christmas in 2010.

RailKing O Gauge MTHRRC 2000 Crane Tender This came separately along with the MTHRRC operating crane car, which I received for Christmas in 2010.

RailKing O Gauge MTHRRC 2005 Rounded Roof Box Car w/ Generator I bought it from Train Depot of Mt. Airy, Maryland in Easter 2011.

RailKing O Gauge Norfolk Southern Flat Car w/ Trailer This is one of the first couple intermodal freight cars in my collection. It would be nice to have this flat car in step with any Norfolk Southern engine that MTH has been offering. Otherwise, it's good to use that car in a modern freight train consist with any diesel engine I have. I found it at Engine House Hobbies in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Offered in MTH's 2005 Volume 2 catalog. Added to my collection in July 2013.

RailKing O Gauge NASA Husky Stack Car This is one of the first couple intermodal freight cars in my collection. It's fun to have some NASA work on my layout! Probably good for carrying some space surplus supplies that can fit into each container! I found this at Engine House Hobbies in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Offered in the MTH 2011 Ready-To-Run Catalog. Added to my collection in July 2013.

RailKing O Gauge Norfolk Southern (NS Heritage) 40' High Cube Boxcar Great addition to the NS SD70ACe! It was ordered from a train store in Ohio. Offered in the MTH 2013 Volume 1 catalog. Added to my collection for Christmas in December 2013.
Retired Items
In January 2023, I became an eBay seller to give away some train items that are no longer significant to my collection. Those items that have been sold or put up for sale are listed in this category.

Premier O Scale CSX AC4400CW Diesel Engine (Non-Powered) Usually, I prefer to purchase the cheaper RailKing trains, but the AC4400 is a Premier diesel. There's no RailKing version of this engine. Regardless of realism, this model was offered in MTH's 2007 Volume 2 catalog and is still a great engine! It was actually shipped from a train store in the state of Washington. Added to my collection for my 15th birthday in August 2011.
Go to linkCatalogs
I really love collecting catalogs from MTH. All these trains inside them look collectible and colorful. Here are all my photos of them.