I really love to collect Lionel trains, which are just as good as those made by MTH, so I received my first Lionel train set for Christmas in 2012. In the middle of my layout, there used to be a loop of RealTrax that came with my MTH ready-to-run set. I then replaced it with a loop of Lionel's FasTrack so I could retain some space on my layout. Generally, most Lionel O-27 locomotives are conventional while most O scale engines of that brand are command-controlled. Lionel's first control system was Trainmaster Command Control (TMCC), which was first released in the 1990s. The main purpose of TMCC is to activate realistic sounds and features and to allow operation of multiple trains on the same track. In 2006 or so, a new system was released as sort of the successor to TMCC. It was initially called TMCC II but was shortly renamed LEGACY. It allows access to more realistic and prototypical features on more recent Lionel trains. Despite the technological changes, LEGACY is also backwards-compatible with classic TMCC engines. It would be nice if I get a TMCC or LEGACY locomotive, but it requires some additional equipment with MTH's Digital Command System (DCS); DCS can be compatible to TMCC. Since I don't normally collect O scale, I can only control Lionel O-27 trains conventionally on the inner loop of Lionel's FasTrack at present.
There are several reasons why I love Lionel. First of all, many products I saw look very colorful and some others have unusual paint schemes and features, especially because they are products licensed by candy companies, movies, and everything else. Lionel also has many types of special rolling stock such as operating boxcars and flat cars, animated gondolas, and even aquarium cars, everything that's essentially for play value. Secondly and more importantly, I enjoy learning the history of Lionel. The company was founded in 1900 by Joshua Lionel Cowan, in which his middle name was chosen to name the business. Therefore, it is probably the oldest toy train company in America and it's been 112 years before I became involved with Lionel. Despite the competition between this and other toy train brands, I like it when other hobbyists collect both Lionel and MTH trains because I love both companies for different reasons.
If you see "Go to link" in most of my photos, click that to watch a video of my trains in action.

Traditional O Gauge Polar Express 2-8-4 Steam Engine with Classic Air Whistle in Tender This is my first Lionel engine! It is never command-controlled unlike my MTH engines. It is classic conventional (controlled by a transformer). Manufactured in 2011. Added to my collection in December 2012. Beautiful set! Click "Go to link" to watch this engine in action.

Postwar O Gauge Santa Fe F3 A-A Diesel Set I found this engine at Train Depot in Mt. Airy, Maryland. It costed almost $250, which is a pretty reasonable price. Although it was sitting on a shelf for a long time, it still runs really well. I love having some postwar trains on my layout. Very iconic engine! Added to my collection for my 17th birthday in August 2013.

Postwar O Gauge Jersey Central NW2 Diesel Switcher No. 621 We found this on eBay as a bonus engine for my 18th Birthday. In fact, my maternal grandfather used to commute to work on the Jersey Central train. This engine looks very good, but the inside was in bad condition. So I sent the item for a repair at my local Lionel dealer. After being fixed, it runs much better. Made between 1956 and 1957. Added to my collection in August 2014.

MPC Era O Gauge Penn Central GG-1 Electric Engine This is my first electric locomotive and my first MPC item from Lionel. MPC stood for Model Products Corporation. I think this was a used item since it's from the 1970's. Found it on eBay. Added to my collection in late December 2014. Magnificent locomotive!

Traditional O Gauge Union Pacific ET44AC Diesel Engine No. 2645 with LionChief Plus 2.0 My first LionChief engine! Also my first command-equipped Lionel engine. Up until that time, my Lionel fleet had been entirely conventional. I'm glad the Tier 4 GEVO has joined the O gauge world. It runs great and it sounds great! Pre-ordered from Lionel's 2019 Volume 1 catalog. Added to my fleet in late January 2021. Click "Go to link" to watch my ET44 video.
Rolling Stock

Traditional O Gauge Classic Lionel Art Boxcar This is one of my first Lionel pieces of rolling stock. It's a really nice start for a collection of Lionel trains. It has a really colorful paint scheme, too. When I bought this freight car, the owner of the train store offered me a brand new 2012 Volume 1 catalog from Lionel, which was very good. Added to my collection in April 2012.

Traditional O Gauge Pennsylvania Hopper This is one of my first Lionel pieces of rolling stock. It's a really nice coal hopper with the same roadname as my MTH ready-to-run set. Added to my collection in April 2012.

Traditional O Gauge The Beatles Hard Day's Night Boxcar Really beautiful boxcar with my favorite rock band! The Beatles! Made in 2010. Added to my collection in August 2012.

Traditional O Gauge Polar Express Passenger Coach This car is included in the Polar Express starter set. Manufactured in 2011. Added to my collection in December 2012. Beautiful set!

Traditional O Gauge Polar Express Passenger Coach (looks like the Puppet Car) This car is included in the Polar Express starter set. Manufactured in 2011. Added to my collection in December 2012. Beautiful set!

Traditional O Gauge Polar Express Observation Car This car is included in the Polar Express starter set. Manufactured in 2011. Added to my collection in December 2012. Beautiful set!

Traditional O Gauge Polar Express Conductor Announcement Coach This car is an add-on item as an expansion to the Polar Express starter set. It plays the authentic sounds of the conductor recorded from the movie. Added to my collection in December 2012.

Postwar O Gauge Sunoco Tank Car Great add-on car that matches the same era as my postwar Santa Fe F3 diesel. Added to my collection for my 17th birthday in August 2013.

Traditional O Gauge Hard Rock Cafe Boxcar This item is a great memory of my visit to the Hard Rock Cafe in New York City because I was on a high school music trip there during my junior year in March 2014. Fabulous item! Found it on eBay as a little Easter present. Added to my collection in April 2014.
Small Motorized Units

Modern Era O Gauge (Richard Kughn Era) Operating Hand Car This is the first small motorized unit in my fleet. Made in 1987. Added to my collection as an early Christmas present in December 2014. Cute little thing! Click "Go to link" to see this hand car in action.

Modern Era O Gauge Porky and Petunia Handcar My mother loves this item so much! Very funny handcar! Made around 1996. Found it on eBay. Added to my collection in July 2015.
Retired Items
In January 2023, I became an eBay seller to give away some train items that are no longer significant to my collection. Those items that have been sold or put up for sale are listed in this category.

Modern Era O Gauge Missouri Pacific Passenger Car I usually prefer a multiple number of passenger cars as a set in a single railroad name, but this car looks nice. For some realism, I would use it as sort of a private car at the end of a modern passenger train like my Amtrak coaches. Made around 1989. Found it on eBay. Added to my collection in July 2015.

Modern Era O Gauge Norfolk & Western "Max Meadows" Pullman Car Just like the Missouri Pacific version in the previous image, this car also looks good and I would use it as sort of a private car as well. Made around 1989. Found it on eBay. Added to my collection in July 2015.

Traditional O Gauge Thomas the Tank Engine No. 1 I'm very happy that Lionel sells Thomas as a separate item as well as a Thomas & Friends starter set. Too bad Annie and Clarabel are not sold separately, but Thomas is still a great little engine. It's a great way to think about those childhood memories associated with my love of Thomas & Friends. "Really Useful Engine" on my layout! Found it on Ebay. Added to my collection as an early birthday present in July 2014.
Go to linkCatalogs
Since I became a huge fan of Lionel, I started to collect catalogs from that company. Here are my photos of them.