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Contact Brian

Feel free to email me any questions, comments, or suggestions. However, please note that La Rosa's Trains is NOT an authorized dealer because I do NOT sell trains, so don't ask me what products I offer. If you would like to support La Rosa’s Trains, you can make a donation through Patreon; please see the link below this paragraph. Thank you very much! It should be noted that all of my photos and videos are free to view. You certainly do have my permission to copy any of my photos or videos for non-commercial purposes or personal use, as long as you give me credit when showing them in public. Please ask me if you wish for further information regarding commercial marketing on my photos and/or videos.

My Patreon page:

My email address:


If you're new to the hobby, please select one of the recommended manufacturers below and hopefully, it should give you an idea on how to start your experience with toy trains.





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